Computer Assets In Use But Not Assigned to Any User

Hello! This is HAM related Question.

I am working on a dashboard in ServiceNow that shows list of computer device’s that are in the “In use” state, but are not assigned to any user. The SCCM tool is discovering these 709 computers on a weekly basis, but it’s not pulling data for “deployed to” and “last used” by fields. How do I track these assets; they’re being discovered on our network. Anyone have any ideas?


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Sounds like you either need a process to assign hardware to end users via tickets, or you’ve established one and there’s clean up to do, and/or staff aren’t using the process to assign the hardware appropriately. I’d suggest assigning the hardware to the SCCM users on the hardware asset record and then ensuring staff are following the process using workflows to assign hardware. The SCCM data is good to doublecheck that the right users are using the equipment assigned to them, but if you have policies around data retention/appropriate use, it shouldn’t be the source of record of who “owns” the asset.


Its pretty common to see computers not assigned to a user, especially if that assignment is happening based on SCCM’s last used values. This happens regularly to servers, but also things that are shared resources - for instance printers, equipment in “public” areas like conference rooms, or in other worlds things like retail registers.

I’d suggest that Elise is right - make a process for who should be manually assigned to that sort of gear - My recommendation is the team or manager over the team that’s responsible for the support of that gear. You can also consider using something like the local office manager if it’s more like gear spread across multiple offices.

Also you’re right that adding reports to a dashboard to help you spot these data issues is a key step - it doesn’t come OOTB in SN, so you have to do some of this yourself as part of the ITAM program. There are a variety of related reports that need to get created manually that will help you spot these sorts of data inconsistencies.