Computers with expired warranty

I created a report in ServiceNow that shows me the calculated warranty expiration date. This field is greyed out and it will automatically populate a date when the purchased date field is entered. I found several computers with warranty that has expired and the computers are still being used by employees. What process are you following when warranty has expired for computers that are in any state (in use, In stock, etc.)

The image below shows a computers with warranty that expired on 4/4/2022.

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Ideally, you’d want to populate the Warranty Expiration field with an actual authoritative date, which you can generally acquire from a vendor via an integration (either integrated with SCCM or SN), or manually input by someone (purchaser, ITAM technician, etc). Why? Because (a) the warranty expiration can vary from asset to asset at purchase time as a purchase option from the vendor; and (b) it is not static and can be extended by purchasing a warranty extension from the vendor. Thus, you don’t know the actual warranty expiration unless you obtain it from authoritative source data.

The workaround of a calculated warranty is helpful in theory but I will use it instead in a Replacement Date field.

The Replacement Date and Warranty Expiration Date are not the same in my organization. We may choose to use an asset past its warranty expiration.

What I track are three key dates:

  • Purchase Date: Entered by hand (sometimes batch) or obtained from procurement data
  • Warranty Expiration: Actual warranty expiration date from vendor; dynamically updated if possible
  • Replacement Date: Calculated date based on Purchase Date and Equipment Type.

I create generalized replacement cycles based on Equipment Type (PC Laptop, PC Desktop, Mac Laptop, etc.) There’s a lookup table with an associated value (in years) for each equipment type. So for example, a PC Desktop will have a 4 year replacement cycle.

The Replacement Date calculation looks like this: (Purchase Date) + (# of years by Equipment Type lookup)
So for example, a PC Desktop purchased on 4/21/22 that has a 4 year replacement cycle, the calculated Replacement Date will be 4/21/25.

There is one enhancement to the calculation: If the Purchase Date information is missing, then I fall back to the Warranty Expiration Date and that’s what is populated into the calculated Replacement Date. (There is also a non-calculated Planned Replacement Date which can override the calculated one.)


We will continue to use computers with expired warranties based on the replacement strategy of that specific hardware model. If a computer out of warranty requires a repair, and that repair is more costly than the resale value of disposing the computer, we’ll dispose it instead of repair it.


Employees must be aware that they are responsible for equipment they get organization, in that I work we have financial responsibility for assets - I lost = I pay (does not apply to stolen equipment).

To get rid of the problem, I suggest do an inventory of asset owned by employees and equipment that cannot be found, you have to write it off (little chance that equipment will be found).