I’d like to poll my peers here to hear back your definition for Application / Software end of life (EOL). I’m crafting a more complete and comprehensive definition that will be introduced into my company’s global standards. Appreciate any sharing what you crafted or provide feedback. Before you respond consider the following
Application / Software seen separately in my environment. Application is the business application having multiple components. Software can be one of other software or components making up application. For this discussion I’m focused on the publisher software
EOS, EEOS I don’t see same as end of life. That is a publisher’s decision to no longer provide support, however the software may still offer business value that offsets risk, etc beyond EOS, EEOS
Software Publisher EOL I don’t see same as end of life. Again for the same reasons. They may no longer produce the product doesn’t mean it no longer provides business value for the company
Overall I see Software EOL from a business perspective when the software no longer serves a business value and should be decommissioned/retired and removed from the environment. Triggers that might prompt EOL are introduction of newer software releases adopted by the company, risks or vulnerability that outweigh the business benefit. Has business value but not supported by current technologies, OS, etc.
Thanks in advance for your feedback,