AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM) and software inventory collection

We have been testing the native AWS SSM capabilities, in particular software inventory from EC2 instances.

When it comes to IBM software, we have found that some installations (i.e. MQ Server) are properly detected and reported, however, other common titles (i.e. DB2 Server, WebSphere Application Server, Integration Bus) are not captured.

A “successful” detection example is shown below:
spkg_name spkg_short_description
MQSeriesServer-U8004 8.0.0 WebSphere MQ Server FileSet

For DB2, WAS, IIB, there are no records at all.

Regarding this issue, the feedback from AWS Support is that the software needs to be installed in one of the AWS SSM supported formats:

  • Package Management (i.e. yum, apt)
  • Common Package Files (i.e. rpm, deb).

The other workaround provided was to create a custom inventory (i.e. manually adding metadata to the specific instances).

The question that I would like to bring to the table is:

Happy to provide more details and discuss. Any help would be highly appreciated.
