I am new to ITAM and recently transitioned to an ITAM position with my current company. My manager would like for me to take some training and she has allowed me to send her my suggestions. My question is, what training courses, material did you find helpful when your first started this journey? Need to get up to speed ASAP. Thank you!
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The ITAM Review offers training through their LISA program: https://lisa.training/
Free - Fastest way to ramp up your knowledge is to connect to forums like this, read and learn from others. Take up reading articles on ITAM Review (itassetmanagement.net) and IAITAM (iaitam.org).
Paid - Take a couple basics courses such as one suggested by Ryan on this thread.
Like learning a new language immersion is your best and fastest path. Feel free to reach out to any of us on the group here. We’ll lend a hand
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I agree with taking the training courses and read the articles on the sites suggested. In addition, you might consider an ITAM certification through IAITAM.
Does your company currently use an ITAM/SAM/HAM tool or solution provider? If so, that vendor may have training on your specific tool, which is often helpful as it may also teach ITAM concepts along with use of the tool. For example, ServiceNow has some great training courses (some free, some paid) that demonstrate ITAM/SACM concepts along with the training in the tool.
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You can also look at this link for courses and certification: https://licenselogic.com/