ServiceNow Sam Pro software reclamation

Hi All,

Hope all is well. I was wondering if anyone here is using ServiceNow SAM. Specifically, I’m looking to see if you’re leveraging the software reclamation workflow and if you’re able to use the product to advise if any managed software is actually being used, and can be reported on.



Hi Peter,

In my time here at an SN implementer, I have seen the reclamation get setup and working as expected in multiple customers. If it’s properly built out, yes it’s available in reporting & tasking
but one of the things that’s worth calling out that isn’t necessarily obvious is that its actually a multi-disciplinary conversation.

The SAM team generally doesn’t have full control on this component by themselves. CSD and reclamaion rely on the tools it gets connected to - either the SaaS provider or the local management tools (think of SCCM/JAMF/Tanium, etc). The trick here is that those tend to not be controlled by the SAM team, but rather either within the infrastructure teams, or especially in SaaS, directly in a specific business unit.

The SaaS aspect is normally relatively straight forward - effectively the reclamation task just disables the account, since the SaaS side is rarely a local install. The harder part is on the local side, as there are a number of other components that need to be setup by the tool admins to support the functioning of the reclamations - both in identifying the software installation targets that are hitting your defined thresholds, but also with the automating the actual activities to notify the user, then actually complete the removal. So there is joint work necessary, and will require alignment with your org to get very far.

I’ll also briefly say that depending on what sort of related reporting you are hoping for, some variations are available OOTB from ServiceNow, and some other reports can be custom built to better summarize the savings that the reclamations are providing to your org.



Hi James,

Thanks for the insight and advice. It’s definitely a bit to consider.

We have setup the SG-SCCM integration with software metering, along with reclamation rules. I’m looking to use reclamation, and will need to ensure everything is setup correctly.


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